
Testing the Waters

This is my first attempt at posting a picture of a piece of clothing.  I love this coat, so it is a good choice (imho).  It's called Westwood from LeeZu.  Now, I will admit that it has been awhile since I was shopping at LeeZu but, boy, am I glad I went back to check it out.

Let me know what you think...  :-)

P.S.  The fedora is from O&N.  Found it on SL Marketplace (shopping made easy) -- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/28205


More Challenges -- the Secondlife Modeling World

My interest in SL photography came along with a desire to learn more about modeling in SL.  I have never had many friends in SL (or RL for that matter).  I had a few good ones but they left awhile ago.  I miss them and having someone to turn to when RL is bothering me.

I thought that taking modeling classes would be a good route to making new friends.  I signed up for a famous one, Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy.  I haven't had the opportunity to finish my experience there because I never seem to be available on the weekend of the final classes and graduation "test".  I did meet some nice folks, one who was the instructor for my first class -- Nemi McCoy.  This wonderful woman reached out to me a number of days after class.  She was concerned because I was quiet and she didn't want me to feel overwhelmed.  Unfortunately for MVW, she does not teach there anymore.  She has been a model for a long time and is someone to whom I know I can always reach out.

Since I love to take classes and have assignments to motivate me to create, I signed up for another academy. This time, I chose Glance.  This academy has a one-on-one approach to training.  I had an interview with the director, Roe Woodford.  She told me I was accepted into the program and advised me of my instructor --  herself.  I was thrilled and it was all a wonderful experience.  Roe is another experienced model on whom I feel I can rely.

Next stop on the modeling training train was MA Modeling Academy.  I received good training, got a taste of some of the drama in SL modeling and met some great people.  I am currently attending Mimmi Boa Modeling Academy.  Anyone who knows modeling in SL knows that name.  My instructor is also a name I had known -- Sequoia Nightfire.  She is very talented and knowledgeable.

I have learned that, like RL, there is drama in SL...modeling there is no exception.  I have also learned that the models, on the whole, are much nicer than the stereotype.  They are friendly and helpful and I have yet to experience any nastiness (towards me).

I am trying to get myself some work.  I'll keep you posted.



When I first started in SL, I wanted to learn how to edit prims.  I thought that a good way to do this would be to learn how to make jewelry.  What better practice on editing prims than working with nano ones.  Off I went to become a Master Jeweler.  Creativity is buried in me somewhere but I need to be inspired.

I acquired alot of knowledge from my class.  I tried for awhile to run a shop but things changed too fast for me.  Sculpties became the way to go and I did not have the time (or patience) to learn how to work with them.  There are way too many terrifically creative designers out there for me to compete.  However, learning to work with textures peaked my curiosity.  In jewelry class, we used GIMP to make ours.  It's a great program because it's free and the learning curve isn't too bad.

I wanted more so I started working with Photoshop.  There are so many tutorials online and so many books available.  I even joined NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals).  Of course, I'm not a professional in any stretch of the imagination, but it's a great source of tutorials, materials, discounts, etc.

I like making textures but without my jewelry outlet, I needed another way to use Photoshop.  Photos!!  Novel idea on my part.  I am, by no means, a photographer in real life but what a great option in SL.  So, bare with me as I tread into this new territory.  I have even taken some classes with Pixel Icon to add to my skill set.  Check them out!

Here is a photo I snapped today at a beautiful shopping area, Reale Isle.  No real editing on this one, just the graphics settings adjusted. Great skirt and blouse from Amarelo Manga; bag from The Secret Store.  <3



It's difficult to know how to begin a blog.  I wanted to start one so that I could journal about Second Life.  Asking people how they got into SL is a fun pastime of mine.  Don't think I'm nosy (well, maybe I am), but it is interesting to learn.  I would also like to hear why they stay, why they left and why some have left and come back.  Let's just say that I am fascinated by SL every day.

It began for me with one of those teasers before a commercial on a morning news program.  They mentioned an interview with a woman who quit her job because she made enough money in a virtual world game that she no longer needed her "real life" job.  What???  I was getting ready to go to my job so I didn't have time to explore but you can bet that I searched for this Second Life game upon my return home that night.

I was hooked.